Looking for, finding, and connecting with a counsellor can seem overwhelming. We appreciate where you are, we know what that is like, and want to encourage you that you are brave. In our experience, it is so worth it; you are so worth it! You will never regret investing in yourself. Thank you for your time and courage.
You can read Frequently Asked Questions about Counselling here. For General Inquiries, please fill out the form below. If you are searching for a specific therapist, please find them on our team page.
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Please fill out the form and we’ll contact you to set up a consultation with the correct specialist. Thank you.
Find the right fit with your Schedule, Goals of Counselling, and the Right Counsellor.
We offer:
- Groups
- Online Therapy
- Walk & Talk Therapy
- 30 minute sessions to meet time & financial needs
- Individual Counselling
- Couples, and Family Counselling
- Speaking Events, Lunch & Learns for Organizations & Groups
- Sports Performance
- Every Day of the week
- Mornings
- Afternoons
- Evenings
- Weekends