When we are overwhelmed, stuck, & don’t know where to start, we often don’t start. We specialize in CBT for anxiety to help you get unstuck, understand “your stuff” (cause we all have it!), & implement practical strategies to change how you think, feel, & live to more alive.
We all experience stress and anxiety from time to time. In fact, stress and anxiety are some of the most prevalent issues people seek therapy for. You are not alone. Although, it can feel that way. Anxiety thrives on isolation and avoidance of the things that make you feel anxious. Therefore, facing those fears with a trusted therapist can be so helpful. Friends and family may mean well, and are immensely important, however, they may not be properly trained like a professional and able to give unbiased input.

You feel stuck, overwhelmed, & stressed out
…about so many things–even the little things that really “shouldn’t” cause you stress. You are spread thin. You are stressed about doing certain things or what others think about you. Maybe you are stressed about what to say in front of other people, wanting to impress others, relationships, performance issues in sports, school, or work, or overwhelmed about the direction to take in your schooling or career. Learn how anxiety counselling can help right here in Kelowna, British Columbia or even Online.
You’re overwhelmed and stuck in your own head.
No matter how much you try to control all the things on your plate, it just feels like too much. So then you end up avoiding social activities, or not speaking up at work, or overthinking what you’ll say or what you said/did. You’re realizing that you’re unable to just relax, be, and enjoy the people or moment around you.
Maybe you struggle with perfectionistic thinking patterns, and judge yourself when you don’t measure up to the standards that you feel you should. When we have unmet and unrealistic expectations, we are left feeling defeated, depleted, and even irritable. These are all symptoms of anxiety. To see other symptoms of anxiety, see my blog post here.
Anxiety thrives on isolation and avoidance.
Although we all experience anxiety and stress (and we all have “stuff” in our lives), we can feel like we are the only one. Like something is wrong with us. So, instead we hide it, try to deal with it on our own, or ignore it. Until it becomes too much.
I help people seeking anxiety counselling Online and anxiety counselling in Kelowna, British Columbia process sources of their stress, triggers, and reduce their anxiety. I specialize in CBT for anxiety to help people work through their unhelpful ways of thinking and unhelpful ways of coping that are holding them back from living more alive. I meet you where you are at, take a nonjudgmental look at what you’re experiencing, and work with you to provide helpful feedback, education, exercises and coping strategies to reduce feelings of anxiousness and increase a sense of well-being, calm, and confidence. It takes little steps of practice, support, time and consistency, but it is so worth it. You are so worth it!
What we do together in counselling for anxiety:
- Learn to identify your unique anxiety triggers
- Start to understand where anxiety comes from so that it does not pop up in other areas of your life (like weeds)
- Where you feel it in your body
- Negative/irrational thoughts fuelling anxiety, low-confidence
- Challenge and Reframe these unhelpful thoughts
- Replace them with more balanced thoughts to feel more balanced
- Learn practical healthy coping strategies for you
- Practice Breathing and Grounding strategies you can do anywhere: from a classroom, locker room, home, or business meeting.
- Change the way you speak to yourself, to speak to yourself with more kindness and compassion (like you would someone you love)
- Improve relationships with yourself and others, and productivity
- Feel and live more confidently
- Practical homework/reflection exercises between sessions to gain self-confidence and skills
- Be educated, equipped, and empowered with resources, self-talk, insight, and coping skills to manage and overcome your anxiety
- Common symptoms include:
- Anxiety thrives on isolation and avoidance. Thus, having a strong social support and counselling can help be incredibly beneficial to combat isolation. Counselling also helps you face what is overwhelming you or causing you to feel stuck or paralyzed with a trusted counsellor rather than alone. By doing this, you can then realize you can overcome these fears and limiting beliefs.
- I specialize in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT for Anxiety, which is the gold-standard of treatment. However, I draw from a variety of therapy approaches to tailor counselling uniquely for you
- To learn more about CBT, see my blog post here:
- Essentially, your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are interconnected. If we can make changes in one area, we can impact change is other areas as well. We especially target those irrational, negative thoughts driving your anxiety and keeping it going.
- Example
Half of the battle with anxiety is becoming aware of it.
When I am feeling anxious or overwhelmed,
- What is the situation? Name the facts, or What IS vs. What IFs.
- Where do I feel it in my body?
- What am I telling myself in my head?